Šis pētījums ir veltīts stāstījuma līdzekļu un postmoderno īpašību analīzei Kazuo Išiguro romānā “Dienas paliekas” un 1993. gada filmā, kas balstīta uz šo romānu. Šī darba mērķis ir noteikt postmodernisma īpašības un stāstījuma līdzekļus abos darbos un analizēt tās. Pētījums aptver īsu postmodernisma attīstības vēsturi literatūrā un kinematogrāfijā, kā arī stāstījuma teoriju un stāstījuma līdzekļus. Vēl viena bakalaura darba daļa ir veltīta stāstījuma līdzekļu un postmoderno īpašību analīzei un noteikšanai konkrētajā romānā un filmā, atbalstot pētījumu ar attiecīgiem citātiem. Tika secināts, ka abi darbi satur stāstījuma līdzekļus, piemēram, metaforas, simbolismu un ironiju, un postmodernisma īpašības, piemēram, patvaļīgu laika secību, pagā...
This contribution focuses on the novel „Minuet for Guitar”, by Slovenian author VitomilZupan, and it...
The tendency of the spirit of postmodernism has led to all walks of life. Various forms and characte...
U kontekstu epohe postmodernizma, roman tematizira postmodernističke značajke relevantne za historig...
The winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 2017, Kazuo Ishiguro,is a famous contemporary Japane...
Both novelist and film-maker have stories to tell and both create a vision of their stories for thei...
Bakalaura darba “Autors un stāstītājs Kadzuo Išiguro romānā ‘Dienas atlikusī daļa’” autors fokusējas...
This project aims at providing a detailed analysis of the major features of the theory of postmodern...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou kulturních stereotypů v románech Kazua Ishigura. V teoretické čá...
ABSTRACT This study discusses the disnarrated in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day by focusing...
This paper deals with postmodern techniquesin of the novels of Mirko Kovač, a prominent figure in th...
The narrative dates from a long time ago and the subject of its research was to study fundamental pr...
This study explores to what extent, how, and why “hypertextuality” is employed in Kazuo Ishiguro’s ...
Postmodernism refers to all forms of representation as well as the new ways of depiction. This depic...
Šajā pētījumā aplūkotas postmodernisma iezīmes Andželas Kārteres stāstu izlasē Asiņainais kambaris. ...
Since its publication in 1989, Kazuo Ishiguro’s third novel, The Remains of the Day, has received a ...
This contribution focuses on the novel „Minuet for Guitar”, by Slovenian author VitomilZupan, and it...
The tendency of the spirit of postmodernism has led to all walks of life. Various forms and characte...
U kontekstu epohe postmodernizma, roman tematizira postmodernističke značajke relevantne za historig...
The winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 2017, Kazuo Ishiguro,is a famous contemporary Japane...
Both novelist and film-maker have stories to tell and both create a vision of their stories for thei...
Bakalaura darba “Autors un stāstītājs Kadzuo Išiguro romānā ‘Dienas atlikusī daļa’” autors fokusējas...
This project aims at providing a detailed analysis of the major features of the theory of postmodern...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou kulturních stereotypů v románech Kazua Ishigura. V teoretické čá...
ABSTRACT This study discusses the disnarrated in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day by focusing...
This paper deals with postmodern techniquesin of the novels of Mirko Kovač, a prominent figure in th...
The narrative dates from a long time ago and the subject of its research was to study fundamental pr...
This study explores to what extent, how, and why “hypertextuality” is employed in Kazuo Ishiguro’s ...
Postmodernism refers to all forms of representation as well as the new ways of depiction. This depic...
Šajā pētījumā aplūkotas postmodernisma iezīmes Andželas Kārteres stāstu izlasē Asiņainais kambaris. ...
Since its publication in 1989, Kazuo Ishiguro’s third novel, The Remains of the Day, has received a ...
This contribution focuses on the novel „Minuet for Guitar”, by Slovenian author VitomilZupan, and it...
The tendency of the spirit of postmodernism has led to all walks of life. Various forms and characte...
U kontekstu epohe postmodernizma, roman tematizira postmodernističke značajke relevantne za historig...